2025 Riggs-Yale Virtual Conference on Parenting and Partnerships: Substance Use and Behavioral Addiction in Childhood and Adolescence (Live Webinar) |
02/28/2025 - 10:30am to 3:30pm |
20th Annual Austen Riggs College Counseling Conference: Peer Support, Community, and Belonging (Live Webinar) |
04/14/2025 - 9:00am to 12:00pm |
Interpersonal Trauma and the Developmental Roots of Personality Disorders - Clara Mucci, PhD (Live Webinar) |
04/25/2025 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm |
Psychoanalytic Approaches to the Skin Patient - Jorge Claudio Ulnik, MD, PhD (Live Webinar) |
03/14/2025 - 12:50pm to 1:50pm |
The Innate Capacity for Representing Subjective Experience: The Infant’s Mind is Neither Primitive nor Pre-representational - Anne Erreich, PhD (Live Webinar) |
04/25/2025 - 12:50pm to 1:50pm |
The Place From Which We Know: a Response to the “Ontological” Turn in Psychoanalysis - Hannah Wallerstein, PhD, FABP (Live Webinar) |
05/16/2025 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm |