“Where It Was, There I Must Come to Be:” A Psychoanalytic Take on Gender Today - Hannah Wallerstein, PhD (Recorded)

In the last two decades gender has exploded as a concept—new gender identifications have proliferated, as have new forms of embodiment and possible technological interventions. This rapid change demands new ways of thinking both in and out of the consulting room.
White Privilege: Psychoanalytic Perspectives - Neil Altman, PhD (Recorded)

In this lecture Neil Altman, PhD, will look at race and the critical role it plays in society and in clinical practice.
Incorporating Racial Justice Principles into Psychoanalytically-informed Supervision - Monique Bowen, PhD (Recorded)

This presentation will identify a series of common, clinical training dilemmas associated with race-based bias, discrimination, hatred, and prejudice.
2022 Yasmin Roberts Memorial Lecture - "Journeying Toward Racial Equity in North American Psychoanalysis" - Dorothy Evans Holmes, PhD, ABPP, FABP (Recorded)

Race as a lens through which we achieve psychoanalytic understanding is not universally valued or adopted in institutional psychoanalysis.
20th Annual Austen Riggs College Counseling Conference: Peer Support, Community, and Belonging (Live Webinar)

Hosted by the Erikson Institute for Education, Research, and Advocacy of the Austen Riggs Center