Event date
- 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB-ACE
- 1.50 Contact Hours/ Participation
- 1.50 Risk Management Study
Radical ethics, a philosophical position recognizing the priority of the other over the ego, specifically concerns the other’s suffering. It refuses to see the other as an instance of a category or concept, and therefor holds immense significance for workers in any mental health profession. But it can seem to deny, or minimize the needs of these workers, or of any individual’s needs in the face of the other’s suffering, and thus comes up against undeniable human limitations. It also raises the psychoanalytic problem of masochism.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 APA
- 1.00 ASWB-ACE
- 1.00 Contact Hours/ Participation
- 1.00 Risk Management Study
Clinical suicide risk assessment is often conducted using standardized assessment measures that fail to integrate contemporary theories and empirical findings, especially those pertaining the importance of analyzing the timing and contextual factors affecting suicide risk. This presentation supports a more nuanced understanding of patient-centered, ecologically valid methods of assessing risk for suicide in clinical populations, enabling attendees to develop greater precision and sensitivity in their risk assessment and intervention approaches.
- 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB-ACE
- 1.50 Contact Hours/ Participation
In these last few years we have witnessed unprecedented upheaval in the areas of politics, social justice, the natural world, and public health. To help our patients and to support our practices, communities and the field as a whole, it is vitally important to understand what people are looking for in mental health treatment, and how they think and feel about the therapies we offer. It’s also crucial that public awareness and appreciation of therapies of depth, insight, and relationship improve.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 APA
- 1.00 ASWB-ACE
- 1.00 Contact Hours/ Participation
In the last 25 years suicide has increased by 30% in the US, while a growing crisis in mental health is recognized in the post-pandemic world. Broadening training of clinicians to treat suicidal patients is an appropriate response. Although several manualized behavioral and psychodynamic therapies have been found to be efficacious in treatment of suicidal and self-destructive borderline patients, few clinicians achieve proficiency in even one of these.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 APA
- 1.00 ASWB-ACE
- 1.00 Contact Hours/ Participation
Serious mental health struggles among college students are rising in the nation, increasing the need for access to treatment that can help them remain in school. College is a time of developmental transition as students work to establish themselves as adults in the world. This presentation highlights a novel remote access IOP that goes beyond mere crisis stabilization to help students grasp the meaning and achieve mastery of their struggles to lead more self-directed lives.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 APA
- 1.00 ASWB-ACE
- 1.00 Contact Hours/ Participation
Daniel Shaw, LCSW, presents a way of understanding the traumatic impact of narcissism as it is engendered developmentally, and as it is enacted relationally. Focusing on the dynamics of narcissism in interpersonal relations, Shaw describes the relational system of what he terms the 'traumatizing narcissist' as a system of subjugation–the objectification of one person in a relationship as the means of enforcing the dominance of the subjectivity of the other.
- Grand Rounds
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 APA
- 1.00 ASWB-ACE
- 1.00 Contact Hours/ Participation
2024-25 Grand Rounds Series
- Friday Night Guest Lecture Series
- 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.50 APA
- 1.50 ASWB-ACE
- 1.50 Contact Hours/ Participation
2024-25 Friday Night Guest Lecture Series
- Grand Rounds
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 APA
- 1.00 ASWB-ACE
- 1.00 Contact Hours/ Participation
2025 Grand Round Series The purpose of this talk is to explore how to effectively integrate Measurement-Based Care (MBC) into psychodynamic practice settings, focusing on how it can impact treatment outcomes and enhance patient authority over their treatment. The presentation will emphasize the importance of preserving the depth of patient experiences while incorporating measurable outcome assessments, and how MBC can support a nuanced understanding of treatment when implemented within a psychodynamic framework.
- Conference
- 4.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 4.00 APA
- 4.00 ASWB-ACE
- 4.00 Contact Hours/ Participation
Presented by the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center and the Yale Child Study CenterFaculty information and learning objectives to follow